Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is this love?

Saturday, April 9, 2011


April's here! 

As usual, you can guess Im gonna repeat the same things again. hahaha i think im out of ideas, so forgive me man.. well the school life was just as usual, except Im feeling sleepier as the day went by -.- maybe Im alwaz sleepy all the time, but I seriously don't feel like listening to any teacher and just cover my ears, and let my imagination drift... that's when I realized I had a talent for creating awesome stories out of thin air :D that's daydreaming you may call, but whether it's daydreaming or dreaming at night I always feel enraptured and fascinated by the things that form themselves in my brain. One of the extremely few things Im actually proud of myself xD That way, it helps when Im doing essays or in need for inspirational words. It jogs my mind too...haha.

Lately I've been battling my own dilemma and renewing my direction...and Im juggling all my options and decisions I've made so far, and try to think what's the best for me. In the end, I just gave in to my old ways and feel refreshed again, just because it's the first place I've landed myself and was the place I love the most <3 well, about my other desires.... that kinda have to wait. I dont have a good network at that and lack of chances to learn that.... so I'll just see what I can do. Maybe God has other plans for me :) 

Now here's a band maybe all of you had already knew, it's called MUSE. I found it awesome again, after so many years listening to them. Actually, the first time I fell in love with them was when Im 14. I especially love Matt bellamy's piano solos :D it's so freaking nice, it even inspired a lazy bum like me to continue to practise the piano so that one day I can do those feats too :DD  Im looking forward to this aspect, cuz Music is the way I've chosen. It may not be my primary spine, but it's certainly my SOUL. 

In case you ask why the title is SunBurn, becuase we had marching today in the band and the sun..... literally burns. Seriously. But out of the agony we certainly achieved something hehe. Hope everybody keep it up~~