Friday, July 27, 2012


I choose not to say much.....there's too much to talk about.
What I can be sure of is that from now on I cannot leave any regrets anymore.
And I still want to thank everybody that has helped me through least I felt like things have finally changed.
I used to dream about the day to arrive, but without me noticing it's already happening...

Time really flies.

The concert, well, I won't say about it here, I just hope you all enjoy this performance :)

I just want to try my best to be sincere to everybody, to be happy, to try to help everybody when it's in my power, and to protect those precious things that I wish to protect.

Fighting everybody!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Yesterday was a really bad day, old feelings came pouring in again, and I've done the most stupidest things again. It's really going well for me the day before, but I guess I can't be saved anymore.. Coach gave me the final verdict, and well all I could do was to accept. I have no complaints, as in the end everything really doesn't seem to matter. Really sorry. I'm not a worthy leader, in fact, I'm not supposed to be called a leader. But at least now I finally really really know what's wrong with me. If you don't trust me anymore, it's fine.It's really something I have to swallow down, personally. It's painful, but strangely I felt a sense of revelation and relief actually. Maybe it's for something better in the future. At least I know well in my heart that I finally won't avoid things anymore, won't give up so easily anymore. All the wrong I've done, how I wished I could erase it, all of them, but time doesn't turn back, and the damage had been done. Really sorry, in the end maybe I didn't really love you all the way I thought I would, but like I said before, I won't look back. All the pain and distress, I will take it all in my stride. I had a chat with dad yesterday night, he really gave me the best advices. He's really the one guiding light in my life, and I can't tell how grateful I am, and it makes me feel like shit thinking of all the bad things and troubles I'd caused him.      

I really thought things will finally get better for me, but apparently it's not enough. Maybe I'm just living in my own illusions....I still couldn't fight the reality well. But really, I won't give up anymore. Thinking of the days when I'm so down and so insecure, I actually feel happy nowadays. You people probably hate me like a thousand fold, but my journey will still continue... and I hope when the curtains do fall, it's not a sad ending.
sincerely. Those who still trust me, no matter as a friend or any other way, thank you. Well I'm not gonna dwell on this anymore...while people are facing bigger adversity I will feel my situation is just really not that important anymore. 

Blue skies will still be ahead. I must believe.

[I will still continue losing precious things the way I am now. I can't protect anything if I am still the way I am now. I don't wanna be a fu*king garbage.]

Friday, July 6, 2012

Higher than Heaven

It's been a while again. Say hello to July.
anyway I just came here to write somthing, anything will do.
somehow I wanted to record the days and somehow I don't feel like forgetting these days.

人,很多时候,是孤独的吧.  我很相信这一句.
就发觉最近都很喜欢一个人    一个人想想人生问题
一个人看风景    一个人做自己喜欢的东西

我很贱    得到的东西不会珍惜
失去了才后悔   做的事情都不好   可能以前的错误已经造成永久伤害
就算现在想挽回都很困难了     在人眼中我真的很垃圾
不过算了    我不会再回头     就算现在还没办法去完全办到
我不会放弃的   我已经找到继续生活的动力

朋友说你打从一开始就对我没感觉      心是会沉了一下
不过我不会 逗留在那里  至少我已经做了交代   心不会那么沉了 
只要想到你     都会有种希望   直到有一天这份感觉不一样了
不过是我没主动行动   所以不会去怪罪谁

还有另一个你    打从什么时候开始就很喜欢跟你相处的感觉
虽然只是淡淡的谈话   不过想到你    我就会想起从前的自己
看到你   每天都会有了去上学的理由     和给我一种莫名的希望

好喜欢你认真读书的模样     我想到的只有'温柔'这个形容词

还有你    或许变的真的是我吧    不过我确实发觉你真的有点不像我认识的你了
你说是我没了解你   我想可能是吧    
不过我都一直在你身边    我没能力时我承认我真的没怎么关心你
作为朋友    对不起了
从小学到现在   你都是我特别的朋友
乐队的同伴     可是我发觉你这个好朋友
给我的感觉不一样了    老实说   有点不是很喜欢你的性格了
不过我依然会支持你    有什么我一定帮你 :)
还有你  真的希望你别整天因为一个人就emo 
我明白你的感受   可是有时很想打你  
我不是称职的朋友    不过能帮你我都会帮
如果有些行为冒犯了真的对不起  我也有很多自己的事要烦

还有很多想看的电影    啊啊啊啊啊啊

还有很快就要预考了    唉
