Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Things that shook when we were copying notes

today was so damn thrilling
because when it's about 6.20pm( I think)...........
my instincts told me that something big was coming
and BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!
and then we all realized that the whole building was shaking!!!!
At first I thought Khong Yik Fei was shaking my chair( sit behind me)
so did Gao Jun and Zhu Yi
but we noticed a slight tremor and we were all exuberant..................
And somewhere far people shouted and screamed ..........
and so we all went down to gather at the basketball court when the Emergency alarm rang
.....................News reported that there's a 7.7 scale magnitude earthquake in South Sumatra
We all talked about our famous last words and things that we wanna do before apocalypse for us
what hilarious antics.........haha
anyway today's a day full of surprises
It sure tingled my nerves.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beginning Of Apocalypse

bought a new Nike Bag................damn cheap only Rm20
like to buy cheap things.................
but that's enough for me

I think it's time for studying.................cause had made a promise with my best buddies
wanna score this time
no let up.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Spiderman Is Me

Today is so zhadao
after band
when we thought we can rest
and OMG
that black gate's locked..........(our band room is on the 2nd floor)
and we all fluttered wait for the responsible guard to open that damn gate
never did we thought that the guard's only return on 6pm
it's around 5pm and we're all os anxious
then came my brilliant idea
when hoy yan confirm there's no other way............
I suggested we climb up from the end of perpustakaan corridor.....
and guess what?We found a ladder
and together with a scout,
I performed a stunning Spiderman act.............
after failed the first attempt
the used the ladder to climbed over
and opened the band room door, took out all our bags before climbing down
It's so like a sohai
But we can go home after that
sadly TT Carmen and Hoy Yan and some others have to wait for that damn guard who holds the key..........
and put all those percussion instruments into the band room.
Great work and thanks!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Little Children of Morganna

It is everywhere
It is ubiquitous and spreading without limits
The rise of Cubia
As said as the shadow of all Epitaphs
Rise to devour The World
Left behind countless peril and broken bonds

The knights of goddess Aura
Of Azure Kite
Of Azure Balmung
Of Azure Orca
Who entrust Empty Skies in The Chosen One
Who walk alongside goddess Aura to lighten the path
Of those Forbidden Route
To The Gateway of Utopia

Only The Chosen One
Who devour all Eight Epitaphs
Who is the ultimate key of Twilight
Can Bring down Cubia
with all feelings inside Himself
The Little Children Of Morganna

May there be Sheer Tranquility
May there be Bliss and Eternal Joy
May there be Happiness.

feel like writing this down because of those inspiration
and everything's fine for now
For now only*
what happen to my path of Happiness?

Ok there's a mistake about the last post

the she HATE me..............
should change to " she HATES me"
gt -s............................

guess I'm wrong from the beginning...........

Heartbroken and becoming Heartless

Tonight's a whole mess for me............
I shouldn't online tonight.......

She said she HATE me............OMG
said just gutted
yeah you're right
This is the real big mess I left behind
Just because my own stupid instinct tell me to do so
I really shouldn't do that, you know
it's all because of me.

Seriously i think this will leave an imprint too strong
too magnificent


Glad to post this on
I realized that Jau Ni can be my mentor in English.......
She's fascinated by english usage
overwhelmed by dictionary
which normal people will avoid
I'm so lucky

Think will seek her help regarding this year- end test
especially Paper 2................
Actually I have an aim
I don't wanna suck at english
Same to BM.LOL
These are those sucking subjects
make me flop

I so wanna be flawless!!!!!!!
damn it that I cant.

New Goal

nowadays there isn't anything I can talk about
I just doesn't feel like doing anything lately
maybe will start studying?
Seems impossible
anyway the reward I'll get when I 'm top 3 this year- end exam
is a notebook
working my way through it
Now I have to gain it
It's all within my will and power

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Something meaningful......................


男 孩经常偷偷的把女孩的自行车轮胎的气放到没有,然后躲在远处,看女孩着急的走投无路,等着女孩拨通他的手机,然后破口大骂他的小贼行为。可男孩,依旧那么 喜欢这样的女孩。他窃窃的从远处走来,灰溜溜的为女孩推着那辆没了气的自行车,任由女孩在一旁发牢骚,男孩却暗自窃喜,然后委屈的对女孩说:对不起,我知道错了。随即,女孩便会柔弱下来,告诉男孩下次不允许那样,男孩点头,于是,那时的他们每天都充满着笑容。

—— 对不起的快乐


—— 对不起也是一种承诺

慢 慢的,男孩每次回家,身上总是充满了不同的香水味道,而每次没等女孩问,男孩总是忙着解释说应酬太多。女孩黯然,那时起,女孩不太爱说话了,也不像以前那 么开朗了,她总是喜欢成天的呆在家里,抱着枕头看韩剧,然后随着剧情哭泣,夜深时,就会疯狂的大哭。以后的日子里,男孩回来时,身上的香水味只有一种味道 了,女孩从来不问,可是男孩依旧说:对不起,今天又去应酬了。

—— 对不起,谎言的开始

渐 渐的,男孩开始不回家,或总是在外出差,男孩的事业越来越好,身边都是奉承的人,他每天都在别人的恭维下自豪的笑着,而女孩,几乎不出门了,她总会去超市 买上很多方便面,和一些必要的日用品,然后把自己关在家里,这一呆就是很久。从前,女孩会经常和男孩一起聊聊天,而现在,她孤身一人,身边没有一个可以说 话的人,每次打电话问男孩什么时候回家,男孩总是仓促的回答到:对不起,我太忙了。女孩,失落的扣上电话,那以后她再也没有问男孩什么时候会回家。

—— 对不起,只是个敷衍的方式


—— 这样的对不起太伤人


我 始终没有勇气再见到你,可能是我太懦弱,也或许是我根本不想见到你,我想这些『警告:注意文明用语!』应该过的没什么两样吧,我很好,我学会了离开你怎么 让自己存活,我懂得了怎样赚钱养活自己,而不用每天等着你回家,为你烧一桌热腾腾的饭菜,直到凉了也不见你的人,我的手机已经不用了,因为我已经不会再为 你24小时的不关机,让自己饱受辐射的折磨。我懂得怎样去爱惜自己,珍惜自己的本来应该美好的生活。我想,我是可以忘记怎么去爱你的,因为你把我的爱弄得遍地麟伤。


—— 原来对不起也可以是种结束



Monday, September 21, 2009

Today Kris Allen Releases First Single!!

Well, yeah
Kris Allen, the winner of the latest ( 8th ) American Idol
released new single"Live Like We're Dying" following up "No Boundaries"
check it out at his official website!!I'm quite sure you'll be wowed.

In Memoriam

Today was an exhausting and tiring day
I admitted I'm a bit reluctant to head back Muar with my dad
It's so early man

anyway after a 2++ hours journey..........
finally arrived
The way Muar's image was in my heart never changed
although there were some development.................
and sadly..........TT
my favourite Wanton Mee stall closed!!!!!!
So damn it............................
why those brothers who manage the stall had to go vacation this time??
when I'm back into your embrace???

but anyway found another satisfying stall
finally my taste buds were satisfied

after that went to our usual temple to pay respect to the Gods
and dad wants to get reassurance from God Himself
about some difficult and important decision to make
he wanted advices from Him
because it's a decision not only a promotion for him
it's the turning point of our entire family

Then we went to visit my deceased grandfather
it's been three years
and The imprint it left behind was getting better
but the fact that grandfather is the one who brought me up
that he's my savior will never changed
i can only remember those days
in the midst of dreams and illusions
sometimes tears will shed
sometimes not.

after visiting great- grandmother and some relatives
we decided to return home.
where it all began.............

Sorry This Is A Day Late ( Some shocking revelations)

well, the reason behind my delayed posting of this was because dad insisted we went back to hometown............................haiz
Let's get back to Sunday, my unbelievable day.............
After exercising we had dinner with my piano teacher
who wanted to reveal the ABRSM exam result
and which I don't really care to tell the truth...........................
but when she reavealed the result
ultimately I scored a Distinction!!!Wow

It's so unbelievable.................
so untrue
Because deep in my heart
I don't really deserve this...............
but on the other side.............
I'll just yelled and leaped
I'd made it!!
This gave me some room of my own to do some thinking.........
I had to thank my teacher first
for her effective teaching I guess.................
and thank my dad and mum for supporting me............
and lastly thank myself for figuring out how things work for me
because I just knew there's something different about me
if compared to my surroundings I guess............
so I'd figured out my own principles of life.....
and thanks to those principles.............
I can survived almost everything.

As a conclusion.........
The key to success is your passion
your commitment
your belief.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


band was not satisfying for me
my personal condition should take the blame
the clarinet seemed like unwilling to cooperate
and huang yu's kind of angry
about our performances today

damn it..........
Something is beginning to grow in this band
kind of an edge
and somehow I can foresee where is this phenomenon is heading to
and it's not just me
I won't say it in details
as people said
the most dangerous weapon in this world is your own mouth
so naturally I won't spread any rumors about it

...............just hope all this will be solved
with the band's power and will.

Life's Not Getting Better

Borrow this from chun wai.....................
Hope this is another fascinating stream of stories
as I have almost run out of meaningful books to read......................

Friday, September 18, 2009

The darkest side of me

It's official holiday for all schools today
about the hari raya break
I'm planning on doing something meaningful and useful
part of me earnestly want to play Dot Hack game
and part of me want to prepare for the final examinations
I have to admit
I'm really annoying

Something happen yesterday
that left a strong and burning imprint on my very heart
that left an ache to burn through me from the inside out
You see
It's actually something less complex if it's your point of view
Linda Leong was in our class when we all settled in
and after a moment she called my name
and asked me whether I brought my Composition book
So i dug it out and showed it to her
Never did I thought before that I have done some terrible sin like that
That's unimaginable ...............

Because on the speech "how to encourage youths to exercise more"(something like that)
I wrote"......let me arouse your interests with my wonderful mouth..........."
damn it
Never did I realized that that's something wrong to write in a normal essay
Linda said whenever she read my composition and sentence making
she'll be always frightened and have to brace herself..........
that's something regretful
Although I have explained that's not what i meant to write
despite the real meaning which she's reluctant to say out loud
But I can never hide from the truth
I'm really contaminated from the inside out.
what a bad idea to write those words
although I never meant like that
and what a bad idea nobody understands me.

I wonder what do those words mean???
"......let me arouse your interests with my wonderful mouth..........."

If I can just bear it
If I just knew the meanings hidden
Damn it

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Touch My Hand"

Saw you from a distance
Saw you from the stage
Something about the look in your eyes
Something about your beautiful face

In a sea of people
There is only you
I never knew what the song was about
But suddenly now I do

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand
Reach out as far as you can
Only me, only you and the band
Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again

I see the sparkle of a million flashlights
A wonder wall of stars
But the one that's shining out so bright
Is the one right where you are

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand
Reach out as far as you can
Only me, only you and the band
Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again

Saw you from the distance
Saw you from the stage
Something about the look in your eyes
Something about your beautiful face

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again
(Reach out to you, touch my hand)

I'll never get the chance again
(Reach out as far as you can)
I'll never get the chance again
(Only me, only you and the band)
Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand, yeah

Epitaph Of Twilight

In the midst Of everything
I the Chosen One
Precious the heritage of The World's Oldest Artifact
Another Legendary poem
that's almost shrouded in eternal darkness
Yet I the savior
Unleash this blinding work of Art
Of Magic
Of complex perspective
Marvelling along the search
for the Twilight Beast
That's said to roam the very end of The World
Let there be light upon the Chosen One
To succeed In the quest of Impossibility..........

Yet to return, the shadowed one.
Who quests for the Twilight Dragon
Rumbles the Dark Hearth,
And Helba, Queen of the Dark[2],
has raised finally her army.
Apeiron, King of Light[2] beckons.
At the base of the rainbow do they meet
Against the abominable Wave,
together they fight.
Alba's lake boils.
Light's great tree doth fall.
Power- now all to droplets turned
in the temple of Arche Koeln.
Returns to nothing,
this world of shadowless ones.
Never to return, the shadowed one,
Who quests for the Twilight Dragon.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dot Hack G.U.

Azure Kite, Azure Flame God

Corbenik, The Rebirth
Fidchell, The Prophet
Gorre, The Machinator
Macha, The Temptress
Magus, The Propagation
Tarvos, The Avenger
Innis, The Mirage Of Deceit
Skeith, The Terror Of Death




欣: ermn, 是。
我:我想代替邝益辉祝你有个幸福,美满, 又快乐的生日。。。。。




Monday, September 14, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Today while I'm playing facebook
then came the turning point of something that had been in the dark
JAU NI phone me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's quite a shock
when I heard her voice
my heart stopped beating for one second
and recovered almost instantly
as she had spoken to me almost too soon
So the long wait was over
the voice that I haven't heard for so long
too long to be patient and bearable
but that's not of my concern already....................

We spoke for a long time
she asked me everything
she asked me about all of us...........
at least she haven't forget us
but then again
How can she?......................
maybe it's too painful.........

she said she could not prepare well for her SPM trial
BECAUSE OF ME..............
hey man
you still haven't lost us, you know
we're all still willing to welcome you
you must know that the band haven't abandon you
So i beg you
don't close up yourself although I know you must evade us
to recuperate and when we meet again someday
there's still the same old Jau Ni lorr....................

she said she want to go out with me someday
and with the band, too..................
I'm so happy
happy that everything's solved at once
happy that she hasn't lost herself
happy that she will know that everything's not her fault
she need not to worry now la
just study hard for the SPM
and we'll be happy, too.

It's certainly the breaking dawn
what a significance.......................haiz
Hope everything will be fine soon
We cannot stop hoping..........

Saturday, September 12, 2009



去yellow corner 吃午餐




Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Damn it All

Today's the second day I have my short- cut hair "showcased"
feeling more like a noober with the days that passed by
damn it!!!!!!!!!!
I swore this would be the last haircut this year, no matter what...........
It's destructing my image.........which is self- destruct in some sense
damn it..............but I don't actually think I have any image at all
I'm hopeless. still drag on
but I've finally completed reading Breaking Dawn.......
sure as they said, the ending is not just fabulous
It's fascinating.........Wow.

Right now
I'm just randomly searching for my goals and motivation
something that trigger my innermost sense
that's just simply stupid and ridiculous.

Discover this marvelous song..........

you'll be sure marvelling at it..........

Saturday, September 5, 2009

School Patriotic Celebrations

Those are the photos of SMJK Yu Hua merdeka celebration (morning session), 4th of August as for the afternoon session have not been published yet...........................

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today is just another time- wasting- and- sucking day
just get back part of the exam papers.Wow
I would rather call my results as sucks.............yeah
Although that wasn't my fault (I know you're thinking I'm probably lying)
but I never ever foresee my results as that ..............
Unsatisfactory.Woh.Damn it.
Wong yoon ping results were better, though.
but of course, cheating on the field sure do him good.
Now that he's so jubilant that I'm the burning man there>
but turning perspective, I'm actually not all that fussed up.
guess I'm just overreacting................Hahahaha.
Stupid me.Always.
Wonder what's the turnout of my result...........

But anyway I'm just as free and floaty , maybe more, I don't know, compared to the mood
when I'm recuperating during the school holidays.
But certainly 1 week is good enough for me and now everybody (maybe half of them, the same word- I don't know) is worked up and ready to rumble for the final showdown later October
Or it's just me being paranoid?
Surely in my personal damn- it philosophy, I don't think any of the things I thought and listed
above is necessary for my being worried
Actually I'm quite happy about all that school- thing
I'm just making a fuss of myself.

Need to see some psycho doc soon enough.

Anyway tomorrow sure will cheer me the PJ period......
always in my anticipation as I like to flex my joints and cartilages........
It's pretty cool............Hmm

And Friday is our school's merdeka celebration
gt a tons of performances lining up
sure will get some nice pics if I could
but probably not.Heh