Monday, July 25, 2011

Brave Heart

all this while, I've been in the long lane of memory fragments.
It's been too long, I just can't get rid of it. everything has become a part of my life, my dream.
Yes, I have a dream. A far away, colourful, dream; it's a dream that will splash iridescent rainbows into this world.
This world of grey, white, black. 
It feels so awful and sad whenever I think of the position I'm currently in.
yes, it feels like I've had all those things I once dreamt of. Long ago.
Sadism and longing, it bites my soul, so hard so painful.

But yes, I really have everything. maybe it was me, maybe it was all about my dream.
I always feel like doing something, so that I can be closer.
Closer to that day.
Now it's just passe, but it still feels damn heck awful. Maybe it's just a matter of perspective.
and how you define this world.

To me, the world, it's colourful.
too colourful that it saddens my whole being. 
I always feel that maybe there's something else that I can do, and yet I also feel hesitated.
Like maybe I've always been wrong all the while, from the beginning. 

I have a dream. I love memories.
It's a sunshine in my path, and all I need is a brave heart to bask in its glory. 
Can I believe? 

[sorry if im a bit hypocritical, but i cant lie to my feelings
i need something. to recover my world. the world once full of hope
HOPE. once I had always believed.]

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