Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rainbow Veins [ Heart And Soul Remix]

There we arrive, arrive at the end of the long routes of difficulties.Thousands ray of marvelous sunshine, gleaming off everything in sight, signifying yet another brilliant age. There we march forward, through the veins of the avenue, seeing bright eyes everywhere, the sky above is a subtle variations of blue and infinite white, the glorious birds flapping off towards the rainbow of hope.

And in the midst of everything where everywhere is balanced there like a rainbow above you, I find a road to a humble abode where our paths cross. When our hearts collide, I'll always be prepared to blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins, because your heart has a lack of colour which we should've known.

The silver sound is all around, mingling with the very essence of atmosphere, and the colours fall like snow, blanketing everything into emptiness abyss. Yet I know the feeling of letting you go, but I cannot afford to do it, well, I guess we'll never know. Cheer up and I'll clear your damp eyes, and tell me when it rains, because I'll go clutch your heart and will never ever let it go, let alone the million trickles of rain that we both know engulf all the feelings and memories of me and you, which when the rain stop and the clouds fade away, they will root themselves into this ground I call home.

There, I see a fabulous bridge of rainbow, waiting for me and you to reach and grasp it.

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