Still sulking with my books.
OhShit Ohshit somebody's time is running out
and what is HE doing here TYPING a blog casually?
Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg
I know this doesn't sound like me
not even half of it
but this is quite a critical year for me as i have made my goals clear
in order to strike that jackpot which i have alwayz dreamt of
I know what should I do
how should I put my best foot forward on
what it takes to do that.....
But the problem is
I'm slacking and procrastinating, as usual
what had happen to my determination?
my willpower?
my dream and all my hopes?
I hate to say that but I do really sucks sometimes
especially right in the middle of something potentially significant
what can i do now? with less than 12 hours to go,
the piles of books never seemed to shrink
I know this kind of exam would be nothing in almost everybody's eyes
but I know my all- day sleeping and playing and slacking attitude
has gotta be taking its toll on me.
Sometimes I need positive fuel and it came at the exact moment
but unfortunately it wont come nowadays
or i would rather say, NOW.....
Damnit.... such bad luck.
I guess capable of or incapable of,
I would just have to do it.