Lately I have been dreaming much
especially when I'm napping in the late afternoons
Aikss... can't control.. will always sleep during afternoons
a long period one... almost until dinner time
making me cant done anything...
my life is in ruins already haha
ops I'm getting carried away ad...
this post is about my dreams
when sleeping ...
I will have strange and fascinating dreams
and everytime it's not a happy ending
nor a sad one
juz simple and ...... scary. hahaha
I remembered one from then
arrived at an amusement park unconsciously
the fog was blinding and the whole place
sounded like a forbidden abandoned wonderland of hell
but the truth is there's nothing scary
while I'm there... I had a true and genuine feeling of
extreme loneliness
It's as if I'm the last man on eart. or something like that.
then soon I started to have vivid yet vague flashbacks
in between there's something odd and uncomprehensible....
and after that... had flashforwards.... not the future I think... but kind close to it.
and the strage thing is
everytime I wake up
I'll be reminded of it.... and it's strangely related to the issues in my life
and part of the solution is in my dreams.
So, do you still think dreaming is a waste of time and rubbish?
nope, dreaming sure is a part of my strange life.
Amidst reality, many say dreams are escapade for the pain and uncertainty in real life
but to me, it's more like my own prophecy ..... a really , really strange yet fascinating one.
So, do you like dreaming?